
KIDS wallpapers

I love these kinds of KIDS wallpapers by ferm Living.
I love hot-air baloons, old choo-choo trains and english taxi and bus.

Link: http://www.fermlivingshop.us/

5 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

quella col trenino è un amore! se dovessi arredare una cameretta credo proprio che la userei :3!!!!

frauheuberg ha detto...

hello...thanks for follow us on our blog...and a lovley creative outlet...so we follow you now, too...;)...
the wallpaper is really beautiful...great inspiration for children and their rooms...
have a great creative week...cheers and hugs...the frauheuberg ladies...

alessandra ha detto...

...sono deliziose tutte...
ciao Pavona!

alessandra ha detto...

hello frauheuberg ladies and welcome in my blog!!!
thank you so much for becoming my readers.
see ya soon on our blogs!
best wishes.

VmnP Desgn per Bambini ha detto...

Ottima segnalazione, perfettamente in linea con i miei gusti...guarda infatti qui http://www.designperbambini.it/2009/12/wallpaper/